星期四, 9月 28, 2006

you gan er fa


Had a look at your blog, frankly, i respect u...i love u dear...you are very nice n helpful n really the best!!that's why you can enjoy such a pleasant n memorable trip at europe..thanks for inspiring me so much....there's always people waiting for our help our careour love outthere..we have to reach out to them...there's no point busying at our stuff in a small space like our university. can bring me along next time when you wanna go to do this charity work again?hehe..so touched.
your photos are superb!leng bao gang! i wish...i could stay with you at the old old street at barcerona when we are old..haha...so peaceful...
dear wenpeiyi, thanks a again. you remind me of the importance of love again:)
next year, i will b going overseas having a mission too...thank god for giving me this chance to love the others, i love you all too ,all my dear friends!


Blogger frisian said...

谭雯穗~~ 骨头啦还记得我每次说我不能读你的blog 吗? 今天终于可以了!然后才发现你很久以前写了一个blog 给我, 谢谢你!!
我并没有那么inspiring吧,之前比较羡慕你们那儿总是那么多活动而我却在冬眠~ 所以有点贪玩的去旅行了。其实,没能和你们在一起的我也很受你们inspire 的……
你毕业后又要去那里了?好像很久没有和你讲话,是不是越来越长大成熟了? 哈哈……接下来打算又是什么……得空在msn讲话ok?

5:53 上午  


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